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human reproduction中文是什么意思

用"human reproduction"造句"human reproduction"怎么读"human reproduction" in a sentence


  • 人本身的生产


  • This is a book about human reproduction
  • The role of integrin 3 in human reproduction
  • Many products being marital aids , are replicas of the human reproduction organs
  • The study is published in the journal human reproduction and was led by researchers at the uniersity of rochester in new york
  • So , you have to under the rules of the pyramid mobile coffin that will ultimately allow the red pharaonic find export , human reproduction
  • But after clashing with some of his colleagues and hospital administrators , he resigned and , with his wife , set up the associated researchers for human reproduction ( raprui ) clinic
  • ( understand that during the course of human reproduction , a sperm will fertilize an egg and the fertilized egg will develop into an embryo and find out in what way they look like their parents and why
  • Lectures , laboratory sessions , and clinical case discussions designed to provide the student with a clear understanding of the physiology , endocrinology , and pathology of human reproduction
  • So far , a male contraceptive pill has proved difficult to produce because of a basic biological fact of human reproduction : a man naturally produces about 150 million sperm each day of his adult life
  • But hormones , pesticides or other chemicals in beef might affect the development of the testes of the still developing fetus , speculated the authors of a study in the march 28 issue of human reproduction
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"human reproduction"造句  



Human reproduction is any form of sexual reproduction resulting in the conception of a child, typically involving sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. During intercourse, the interaction between the male and female reproductive systems results in fertilization of the woman's ovum by the man's sperm, which after a gestation period is followed by childbirth.
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